
DEMO: Tea Pot Crisis released!

Here it is! Your first publicly available taste of Catlandia!

What Can I Do?

Tea Pot Crisis Demo is a short slice of the first part of the game. Playing as Nugget, you are tasked with investigating a missing precious tea pot. It’s a simple, quick excursion into the world of Catlandia, that will give you an idea of what we intend.

What’s Still To Come?

So, so much. We have a fuller questline in mind, as well as a variety of sidequests to explore. There will be new abilities to learn, better animations for the abilities, more status conditions, new enemies, new characters, new sounds, more conversations, items to pick up, bigger and more levels, additional and more dynamic art, and, of course, many more cat customization options.

But… but when?

Now that we’ve got one demo out, we expect to release new versions of the demo fairly regularly. As we refine and polish various gameplay elements, we’ll want to get them out there to gauge feedback. We’re probably going to hold back on the story, but you’ll be able to play some sidequests as we continue.

But when can I play the full game?

When – it’s – ready ;3

I Spotted A Bug!

Tell us about it! Contact us and we’ll add it to our list.

You Should Do _____

Mmm, probably. Maybe. We’d like to? Honestly, we have a big wishlist of things to implement, and chances are the simple and obvious additions are coming down the line at some point. But we’re always ready to listen to what you want to see! Feel free to let us know.

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